Cooking in wood and aluminum

A few years ago that the homedecoration kitchen is taking important. No longer is a room dedicatedexclusively to the mere fact of cooking, but is giving a role not as secondaryto the time to enjoy it while eating or cooking. Fortunately there is growingworry designs that combine materials, colors and shapes that make your kitcheninto a bigger player in your home.

The natural wood is a materialused in the manufacture of kitchens for many years. Became fashionable afterthe coatings, laminating and other materials that gave a more colorful andmodern at the time, something that made ​​the woods began to disappear.Finally, a new material was incorporated into the decor of kitchens in recentyears, aluminum, which experienced a period of maximum rage.

At present, past and present cometogether to offer combinations that were previously impossible and that theyfancied so pretty and current results like the picture you bring today. Here wecan see a kitchen in wood and aluminum materials that allows both live togetherin perfect harmony. A strategic design plan for the target environment does notshow the temporal distance that separates them.

A new way of using aluminum,which until now had been used alone or with other colors, preferably white.Importantly, a key to the result to be as nice as it is having regard to theproportion and distribution. We start from the side where the protagonist isanother front where wood and aluminum predominates, and at last both merge intothe bar defines the kitchen.