Decorate a small terrace

Now that we can finally get backto enjoying the good weather, the garden and the terrace again prominencebecoming lost for a few months in our favorite corner of the home.

 Precisely, decorate it becomes areal pleasure to perform with enthusiasm and illusion. But what if we have onlya few meters?

It simply gives thanks for it andtakes every corner as you can. Check out these tips and you'll get acomfortable and happy.

1. The Basics: Think about the characteristics of your family, yourtastes and your needs to determine what pieces of furniture will be crucial inspace. If you intend to make your small terrace chill-out zone simply a lowtable and cushions, chairs and ottomans, but if you intend to make it thecenter of activity in summer it is best to go to the useful with a table andnormal-sized chairs.

2. Ornamentation: If you make your terrace a place in which to unwindsure not to cram the space because the area would be smaller and cramped. Makesome basic elements like sun visor, or household textile decorative elements ofthe garden. There are now spoiled for choice!

3. Green Spaces: In pots and containers on the walls or directlyplanted in an area of land, plants and flowers are essential to dress up anygarden terrace or giving a little life and color. Decide how much to allocatespace and start planning the green area of your garden with various species.

4. Lighting: You only need light after dark, so we put a direct clearlight that illuminates the table and a couple of more subdued secondaryoutbreaks.

5. creates ambiance: Enjoy the space is too small to give a warm, cozyand intimate. You can do this with the use of candles, a charming garland of coloredlights, some lights dim and if you can, a musical background thread.