Decorate headboard wall

Much has changed since theoptions for decorating the bedroom only offer us the possibility to decoratethe wall of the bed with a headboard and the odd box. And luckily today we haveat hand a lot of ideas easy, affordable, modern and most original.

Do not hesitate then to give uptraditions and commitment to innovate in the space with some of the ideas thenyou leave.

If your idea is just get rid ofthis piece of bed and just leave the structure against the wall can giveprominence to the wall through these suggestions:

- Wallpaper: This is the paper that sticks to the wall in verticalstrips that must be perfectly aligned and smooth. The idea is to giveprominence to the wall, why not also save the expense of the headboard.

There are plenty of models withall kinds of styles, patterns and colors for each person to find the designthat goes with your taste and needs of the bedroom in particular.

- Vinyl or sticker : In a case like this (no headboard) and if thewall is smooth one of the best ideas is to buy one of these removable stickersdesigned specifically for this area (shaped like a tree, headboard, etc…). Asin the previous case there are many models on the market, although in this casewill be much cheaper.

- Fabrics:Some people simply do with a decorative cloth and how they can engage the wall(with pins, for example), but the fact is that this is a very inelegant. If youwant an attractive way, elegant and that you yourself can do at home thenconsider making your own fabric headboard with bar included to give a romanticand chic to the room

American traditional cuisine

More than once we looknostalgically at the series or American movies these flirty kitchenettes woodso typical of earlier decades, and dream of having our own sometime.

No, do not think you need to haveone of those charming American homes or small apartment in vintage style in theheart of the city to enjoy one of them, because the idea is always great aslong as we want to carry it out.

Such kitchens have been traditionallyknown as 'family room', and that is that in this case goes beyond the conceptof cooking and food preparation space to make it also a meeting place for thefamily especially during breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner (although they arealso useful for the duties of children).

In this sense, basic furnitureand not only will the countertop, the cooking or water but they also require acorner to place a table or a central island in which to enjoy these momentswith your family.

The most traditional of thesekitchens are dictates that furniture classic, somewhat retro those taking thereins, especially if used with one of the trendy colors of vintage trends suchas white.

Contrary to what one would expectthat probably do not need to use white appliances since the modern steel to geta contemporary twist that will help distinguish 'old' of a kitchen super chic.Combine with other details such as accessories, handles or lamps in chromedsteel.

Bathrooms are easy to clean

The popular Spanish proverb is fullof great truths, and today we want to emphasize that many times saying that mymother said: "It's just cleaner to clean, but the least stain," andwhat a great truth. So today we want to show you a couple of pictures that yousee a bathroom easy to clean, because not only about what we are ordered, butalso know how to choose the right materials to provide us with foul less andclean better.

As you can see, both floors andthe walls are constructed in one piece, eliminating the laborious task of cleaningjoints continuously tiles, which is where the dirt is concentrated further.Similarly, it is important that the walls enjoy a high impermeability, so toocan avoid the marks that splashing water and steam often occur once dried bythemselves.

In soil, it is also importantthat they have a strategic placement of drains, to provide proper watercollection and prevent the horrible splash marks. For sanitation, more and moredesigns that you can find, in toilets and in bidets, to avoid contact with theground, ensuring a clean area of damp, and other oxides, which are so difficultto access in traditional designs .

This design idea is extended alsoto the furniture, which increasingly offer is more concerned with models thatallow the tubing to the air, so it easy to avoid perspiration moisture, whilethe materials they are designed will ensure its survival and properly protectedto prevent flaking or swelling that may distort its original form.

Green home decor

When we release a floor or wedecide to give a makeover to our residence, is very important to consider thechoice of colors with which dress each of the rooms, because depending on thatchoice will achieve a greater or lesser as to give your home the feeling ofcomfort and relaxation that is so needed.

Everyone knows that there arecolors that can help relax the mind, vision and those who receive good feeling,and there are other more striking that, depending on where locate may get atouch of joy or even cause you increased stress. Today we want to tell youabout the good vibes you can accomplish, if you go for a green home decor, acolor that has an infinite number of shades, from which you can choose the bestsuited to each corner.

Green is a tone that always takesus back to nature, so that makes us feel free and rested , to the point to keepin memory smells and sensations perceived in natural settings, so you willalways be relaxing and or game . As for the practical and aesthetic, many colorcombinations that you can, depending on the exact shade of your choice, if yougo for pistachio green, bottle or cake, you'll find a relaxed atmosphere, fineand very aesthetic if you combine them with the range of beiges, browns andtoast. These combinations are very smart to dress the walls of your livingroom, and you retain that elegance and add a touch of originality if you alsouse at least stays customs, such as be the bathroom. On the other hand, in achild's bedroom or playroom, the green color will be highlighted based on theother as bright and cheerful as yellows and oranges.

Ecological fabrics for decoration

More than once we have given yougood advice to get a home more sustainable and environmentally friend, we haveadvised to use environmentally friend materials and until we have told you thekeys to an eco-chic decor.

In this sense, ecological fabricsare a great resource to behave responsible when it comes to home decoration isconcerned, especially if they are both biological (have not used pesticides,fungicides or synthetic inorganic fertilizers in cultivation) and green (containno toxic substances or chemical).

Such textiles are the perfectalternative to synthetic textiles while they may be a little less expensive forour pockets eventually may be very expensive in the long term for the world inwhich we live.

Among the many benefits ofnatural fibers are enhanced through better ventilation perspiration, do notretain moisture, are highly resistant and some even contain antibacterialproperties.

But do not think that being greenthese fabrics will be less beautiful or more bland than synthetics because theycan actually get so many colors and designs like those.

If that was not enough, most ofthese fabrics of origin plant or animals have been produced taking into accountthe basis of fair trade that respects both the producers and the environment inwhich activities are carried out.

Some of these fabrics are:

Cotton: It is the most widely used fiber for textiles, and ensuressoftness, comfort and durability with some very attractive designs. Used in alltypes of surfaces, especially in the bedding.

Silk: No matter how nice it is its very soft touch, the naturalorigins of this fabric does not just convince. The silkworm produces! It iswidely used in the world of decoration.

Hemp: Like cotton but more durable.

Eco linen: Fresh and very natural, this textile plant is widelyused in upholstery, sofa covers, bed linen or curtains (which will allow betterpassage of light in the room). It wrinkles very easily.

Velvet: It is done with cotton fiber and is ideal for beds or sofacushion covers.

Polartec: You get through the recycling of soda bottles.

Bamboo: You do not need pesticides to grow. However, high demandmay involve deforestation and exploitation by companies.

Prepare the home for baby's arrival

Having a child is one of the mostspecial moments of our lives, that moment when the world goes into thebackground to give prominence to the baby who will become the reason for theparents.

And as our children there to takecare of long before his birth, if you're waiting for the baby or have it justshould not think about it more to put the home making it a nice and safe forthem.

Maybe you have already steppingup with some things, but are you sure that you do not miss anything?

Here we leave some things you cannot ignore the welfare of your littlest depends on it!

- Room: It's probably the first thing you thought, and it is evidentthat it is the illusion that makes some parents. Choose bright colors whilerelaxing lighting plans and their focal point choose a beautiful and functionalfurniture, not the room visually recharge and prepare a good space for toys. InInterior you can find lots of ideas and tips for baby's room.

- Security measures: It is imperative to understand that every smalllittle thing may pose a serious threat to our defenseless children. Some thingsto fix before their arrival can be bars windows, remove from view all thedangerous elements (stitching, which are at a considerable height, etc…), roundthe corners of furniture with protective, protect hurdles inputs and outputs ofthe stairs, cover plugs or make insurance so they can not open the drawers.

- Hall: But not just your bedroom and have walkways, because a keyspace such as meeting room must also reserve a space for baby to play quietlyon the floor without getting cold and safely around .

Decorative wall

The color, style and decorationof our walls is one of the things we came to a head when planning the interiordesign of our home, and no doubt it is the largest and most visible surface ofour homes.

If you're already tired ofcombining the colors of the most popular paintings check out the news that wepropose, a sure convinces you!

Relax, because you are not goingto have to learn magic techniques to achieve these original findings on thewalls but only make you the right product.

- Effect Flax your walls seemcovered with wallpaper for your rough exterior of the textile imitation, but infact only has been painted with this paint matte deep. Available in a widevariety of colors, this painting is also available with decorative clayeffects.

- Metal Effect: Your walls will be incredibly smooth and shiny withthis metallic paint that will give a modern and trendy. Furthermore, not onlyavailable in traditional silver and gold but offers a wide variety of colorsthat are blue, orange, gray or green.

- Heather Effect: The looks of your wall look like the result of workof the best professionals, but in reality what you have done yourself in a way,so simple and easy as any other traditional painting. The effect of thisproduct will be that different colors of the same range in various intensitiesare combined on the wall with a style similar to the technique of spinal.

You can also find effectivegranite, stone, sand or industrial style. Other original options and fun thatyou had already spoken in interior are the magnetic paint or the blackboardeffect where you can leave your messages in chalk.

You can find most of the aboveproducts in decorating shops such as Leroy Merlin.

Enjoy a private bar at home

In recent times, out for drinksare a fact that many people no longer enjoy as before. Whether the ban onsmoking in enclosed public places, or by the crisis, which has greatly reducethe number of people on the premises, or, because the usual crowded by thebottle has greatly decreased the quality of the environment.

Therefore, more and more peopleare opting for home meetings, which also becomes more appealing with age,because when we're becoming "puberty" the vision of the nightlife isfar from the years ago.

For those who love the glasses donot want to give up the purest essence of a typical environment, the idea to beable to enjoy a private bar at home, thus you have the visual sensation andspace decoration typical use, while the rules and bans you put them, like theenvironment, since only those who are your friends have access.

Personally, we have a friend whohas ridden so well in his garage, where he built a small bar with stools, and awall equipped with everything needed to enjoy an evening there very selectiveand personal . Football matches have secured environment.

Needless to say this"bar" does not work as such, but a decorative style very original orchargeable where nobody works. The meetings are organized with a fund where allparticipants contribute the prescribed amount, and any of them goes to theinside to serve what he wants at all times.

An idea that seems to only beable to make a few but ultimately is an investment that goes bad if you takeaccounts. If you do not have the appropriate space, you can always take yourlast home if you have a bar and wet bar.

French romantic bedroom

Inevitably, when it comes toromance, it is almost imperative that our minds journey to be in France, thebirthplace of this style that captivates with its pomp, pageantry and beauty.These qualities are preserved even today in many homes to choose who preferthis style to your decor.

As you can see in the picture wewill bring you today, one bedroom, whose main color is white, which could giveyou a feeling dull monochrome, comes great strength and relevance thanks to theperfect combination that is made ​​of different materials and furniture werechosen for their decoration.

Very remarkable, the work of thecarpenters who have achieved a masterful old white lacquered wood andpreviously treated, as if to show us a restored antique setting, despite beingmade ​​with cutting edge techniques. The carvings, engravings, and even pickledsimulations will give this room an air that takes you completely of fullromance.

For his part, and something thatwe always point to the great personality that the styles and periods areconfused and intermingled, and result in a stay pure and personal. Details likethe bed, which corresponds to the era and style of minimalism today, are areference to "homegrown", a detail of personality.

Concepts that we can not see themhold a temporary right of the image, where a glass vanity with wood body, livesa perfect, like a desk, phone and lamps of the present time, and therefore noeffect optical distorting or negative.

Two styles also become confusedon the walls, where that coexists treated wood and aged to perfection with lotsof mirrors, typical of those times, and with a network of cushions that coverthe whole area of the headboard.

Painting small rooms

In today's homes is common tofind just a few meters converted into tiny rooms that are not at all easy whendecorating, and not only have to think that we give decorations but also in allthose elements that can better visually .

The paint on the walls is one ofthese elements, because not only generate one type of environment orpersonality will stay but will also have the ability to modify the visualcharacteristics of the room.

The Color is the most criticalbecause it is what will make our walls and therefore our rooms look larger orsmaller. In this sense, the best thing for you is to go for light colors tohelp reflect light around the room: the white is undoubtedly the better for it,but you should not rule out the option of using other light colors such ascream or some pastel shades.

If you think your room will betoo bland, then painted three walls white to get this extra does of color andprovides lighting in the fourth (one of the greatest of stay) with that tonethat you want to make your stay in the spotlight.

Another good idea is to use awallpaper horizontal stripe, creating an optical illusion of space but can alsoturn out to be burdensome in the case of some rooms.

The synthetic paints that areamong the glitz and Matt will also serve to open the space visually.

Beyond color, we recommend not tocharge the room with outdated techniques like stucco textured walls or nor usetoo much decoration on the walls.

Adapted and accessible homes

Although for home decor usuallyput forward to the practical tastes or needs, as we encounter with situationswithin or nearby mobility difficulties began to think that our home is focusedon the specific requirements of each individual.

In this sense, the home of aperson of the elderly or some type of disability must take into account everysingle detail to make daily life easier and why not also less dangerous.

If this is your case or the caseof a close relative we recommend taking a look at these general tips sorted byareas of the home and implement as many as possible.

- Home: Overall housing must be equipped so as to offer easy accessthanks to ramps, handrails, lifts, wide doors (over 80cm) when usingwheelchairs and wide aisles. Once inside, you should avoid cables on the floorand pick sliding windows that are easier to handle.

- Bathroom: One of the most important in these cases because itbecomes a danger zone for people with reduced mobility is of the kind. Thespace must be light and airy, have non-slip floor, sliding doors, grab barsnext to the shower, the toilet or the sink, sliding doors and preferably ashower. For safety, it is best that the latch can be opened both inside andout.

- Kitchen: Must be a spacious and bright, with easy access to allfurniture and appliances and furniture without corners so you can avoid themost impact.

- Bedroom: Avoid floor lamps and sconces commitment, use lightswitches framework to improve visibility, place a sofa beside the bed as asupport and prevents the carpet as it may cause slips and falls.

- Hall: Again avoids the corners on furniture, carpets, floor lampsand cables on the floor. It is imperative that all your electronics have remotecontrol and that the phone is easily accessible in an emergency.

Decorate with furniture which are not joint

There are many occasions when wewent to a furniture store to choose the pieces that best meet our needs and, ofcourse, measures the room to which they are intended. Typically, theseestablishments already have a default decoration, which we see as anexhibition, with the criterion of the decorator who works for thatestablishment.

This causes the known effect"action - reaction", and usually takes the customer to opt for theset as a whole or to purchase most of the parts that comprise it, which canlead to find, later, amid a environment that does not represent you, resultingin you need to go adding different objects that give your home somepersonality.

The option of going toexhibitions and furniture stores is good, you can feel out how the market indifferent ways, because you can focus on the latest trends in decoration, andto compare prices and quality, but do not have to buy the entire lot, but goimagining how some parts can be adapted to your goals.

You can see the corner of aliving room equipped with a great personality, perfectly combined, and in whichno piece is part of any collection. A very personal corner has been achievedbased on strategically placed to be joining and a variety of furniture thatmarry perfectly, despite the lack of any common thread.

The key points for those who haveachieved this result of the design and color. On the one hand, they all belongto a minimalist line on the other hand, the fact of decorating with severalcushions with covers on main colors, you can combine pieces that had not been,would have no "relationship" at all.

Ideas to hide the tiles

Probably if you get here is byone of these reasons: either you take a lot of years with the same decoration which has been completelyoutdated or you've moved to a rented house where you can not make reforms toremove those horrible and outdated tiles that go with your taste anything.

Well, you can rest assured as thedecorative possibilities today allow us to get in a easy and affordable, InInterior we tell you some good ideas, do not miss them!

When you need a cosmetic changeto renew rooms tiles bathroom andkitchen you are in a seemingly intractable situation, but the solutionseventually come from everywhere.

- Wall stickers: You can use them to provide a happy and fun to touchthose tiles earthquakes smooth walls or decorative borders to hide that one daywere the last (horizontal stripes with decorative motifs) but now they can ruinthe decoration. You can find the traditional versions but also other specialvinyl to cover these outdated borders by new vinyl latest models you'll findplenty of styles and motifs at very affordable prices.

- Magnetized panels: Large decorative surfaces (in a lot of patterns,colors, etc…), as those used for appliances. Because the furniture is notmagnetized, you must do this yourself by placing adhesive magnetic strip asOriginal Panel, the panels will be adapted to any space even with difficultcurves and corners.

Another good idea if the tilesare smooth (and still do not like) can be paint to give a touch to refresh andrenew the look of the room.

Decorating tips for beginners

Decorate the first home is anexperience, not only by the enthusiasm with which is held every step of the wayto go wearing our home but also because it often brings some headaches that wedo not know how to solve.

Is it the first time you decorateand feel a bit lost? Then serves to find the tips below and you're ready to getit to work.

- Check out what are the trendsand styles for those who can decorative decanters to decorate your home. Learnwell to make a conscious decision, as to achieve harmony in the home shouldfollow the same decorative lines in each of the rooms.

- The general rule of color fordecoration would be to use a maximum of three or four colors in each room,colors among which you can not miss a tone clearly base (white, cream, etc…),to provide some clarity and multiply the light in the room. After that anddepending on your taste or decorating style can combine others in the samerange of color (different shades of brown, gray, hot, etc…), Or in manydifferent colors to give a bit more informal and fun.

- Find out what styles,techniques and colors are up to date and what not, then start with anold-fashioned decor is certainly not a good start. As an example, today iscompletely forbidden to paint your walls with the techniques of Venetianplaster or textured walls for example.

-In spite of the above you shouldwalk you with eye, then let yourself go too by the fashions also can suppose anerror as your decoration may be outdated in just a couple of years. Our adviceis to bet on the basic elements in those enduring over time (coatings,furniture, etc...), and give a touch of modernity and color with accessoriesthat will be more easy and economical to change at any time.

- The key to making the roomslook elegant, clean and tidy regardless of their decorative style is not thegrocery with an excess of furniture and decorative items. Garnish each other,but in moderation.

If you have questions about anytopic related to home decoration (styles, materials, tips, techniques, etc…).Please do a search or check out of the different sections of Interior findalmost everything, what you need!

Centerpieces as the season

The table is one of thoseelements and functional utility of everyday life that usually do not pay moreattention needed during the hours of lunch and dinner at home. However, givingsome life to this forgotten corner is easier than it looks thanks to a key decorativeelement: the centerpiece.

In Interior and had given you someideas for your centerpieces, and today we would like to propose different ideasdepending on the season of the year in which you are.

 Take a look and adapts Ideas for decorating your home:

- Spring: In this pleasant season fill you life, joy and color eachof the corners of your home. To do well on your desk nothing better than buyinga beautiful ornamental daisies thick enough, and planted in the center of yourtable accompanied by a beautiful decorative pot, another good idea is tocombine several tiny plants of different species in pots of different sizes.

- Summer: The more minimalist white flowers filled with freshness andcharm your table, so do not hesitate to go for orchid specimens as well as oneof those crops original gels. To do this, nothing better than buying atransparent vase and let you see the same color (there are a wide variety)along with plant roots.

- Autumn: The reddish-brown, dry leaves of this era are the stars ofthe centerpieces. A great idea is to buy a decorative dish, place three or fourcandles of different sizes and placed around a pile of leaves or dried petalsof flowers in the colors that you like for decoration (there from brown togreen and maroon or blue, for example), but you can also decorate it with somedried fruits like pineapples.

- Winter: There are lots of different ideas for this time of year,especially because this is when they celebrate the festival and most seek theperfect centerpiece for Christmas. If you go for making the poinsettia plantfor your centerpiece, perhaps you please put some candles red, white and goldsurrounded by pine needles, pine cones (painted or not) and some flowers orberries around (flowers poinsettia, holly, etc…).

Of course, if they give you abeautiful bouquet of flowers please give the place at the center of your table.

Modern bathtubs without tiling

Many years ago a house wasequipped for those elements whose purpose was purely functional, so thatmanufacturers were engaged in selling household products only covered the needsfor which they were made: beds, kitchens, and a host of articles with time theybegan to take different shapes and designs to make way for what is now known ashome decoration or interior.

One of the rooms where more thanit took to incorporate tight-art articles on the latest trends was the bathroom,a space that has long been undeserving fashion and only meant as a place tocarry out the daily routines of hygiene and physiological, not paying moreattention to design make them look toilets, occasional furniture and otherdecorative objects.

Fortunately now this no longeroccurs and the bathrooms today are a more of household who is given the sameimportance as any other decorative room. Proof of this are the baths withouttiling that are so fashionable lately, a vintage kind of regression in the lastdecade has varied styles and forms. The first designs imitated those old-stylesfirst and now her designs are extended to a wide range. modern bathtubs freeinstallation are designed to satisfy the most varied, and their placement isnot limited only to the middle of the bathroom , but can also lie close to thewall but without presenting any tiling. In terms of design, you'll find classiclines, minimalist, most ornate and to simulations of ancient stone and originalpiece of a more rustic.

How to make an upholstered capital

The moving van has beenespecially popular in recent years, although in reality it is an upholsterytechnique many years ago that life was used, as now, to provide an aspect ofthe most elegant and sophisticated.

But perhaps precisely thissophisticated look slow when we use it in decorating for fear of having toohigh a cost to our pockets. Doing it yourself at home.

If you love crafts and have sparetime, a little skill and patience takes note, what we tell you and renew yourheadboard or your seats with this stylish upholstery.

The technique is basically stringtension between the fabric soft and firm foundation that supports it thenadding a few buttons that will hide the seams.

This would be a quick guide stepby step to perform the technique at home:

1. Extract the base of thefurniture you want to renew, is the basis of an armchair or the headboard ofthe bed completely. Put on a broad area in which you can work easily andremoves it any other fabric or upholstery.

2. Take a piece of foam to coverthe entire surface and mark on it the key points where the buttons will be sewnby a pattern that also serve to mark points on the wooden base.

3. Once tagged both sides need todrill holes on the timber to allow passage of the rope through the surface.

4. Glue the foam on wood base andstaple them around to ensure it is securely and fluffy. Too boring after thepadding as the points marked the beginning.

5. Place a fine white cloth tohelp sew the holes of the buttons to create the relief: takes the big needletop to pass up the timber and return it to leave after all the ends of thedouble strands loose.

6. Stretch each wire to make aslip knot and secure them later with a normal node pair.

7. Take a generous piece offabric end then the time for action must be taken into account the folds. Holdit with staples in the bottom of the cabinet allowing enough fabric for theruffles.

8. To finish the design youshould just hit the big buttons on the holes to thereby cover the wires and getan impressive result.

Separate environments of home with different soils

In home decor we find many timeswhen you combine different environments in the same room, this can occur fordifferent reasons, because sometimes we seek that union without partitions anddecorative option preferred and voluntary, and sometimes resort to she forcedby the necessity that compels us to the small space we have.

This latter case is given to usin photography today, where we can see how live in perfect harmony the kitchenand the living room, one of the most common joints that we have been seeing sofar. In this particular case the separation may well be determined by thatisland that makes cooking and table, something widely used and perfectlydefines the difference between the two spaces.

Since the exterior of the islandis also used as part of the kitchen because of its dual function of stove anddining table, the optical separation has been strengthened by changing thematerial that has coated the floor of the room. On the basis of a wooden floor,we can see clearly how the share of the kitchen is clearly separated by amarble floor that limits its size. One option that is as aesthetic andpractical.

By choosing this material notonly get an optical effect, but also we are giving the kitchen a floor thatwill suffer much less than wood, and cleaning and maintenance which are mucheasier to be marble. Thus we find a practical solution, lucid and helpful,which is what the end of the day we always look to when decorating any room inour home.

Summer decorating with shades of winter

When summer comes, we jumpheadlong into the closet to start out fresh clothes and, in turn, also show amuch more cheerful color. This we would do well with home decor, but not alwayspossible. The problem is that it may be a little expensive to change the decorevery season, but it is true that we can take advantage of our furniture evenin summer.

This past year has been a garnetcolor protagonist of home decoration in winter. We have seen the blackberrytones, wine and other varieties on walls, as in furniture, linen and variousaccessories. Color is very elegant dress the house in a calm and neutral, butdid not cause discouragement that some people produce gray and black. Yet it isstill winter color, and the change of season we can be a bit muffled.

One way to visually refresh theatmosphere of a living room, where the garnets are the protagonists is optingfor a few covers for the sofa. In the case of photography that we are bring today, the feeling offreshness and comfort is provided by the off-white with which all parts arecovered. This feeling is not only visual, as in this case both the sofa and thechairs are of velvet, a material that is too hot for the summer months.

The fabrics used for these coversare made ​​of breathable material that will prevent sweat more than is strictlynecessary. You will have no problem to find them, since they tend to stick tostandard measures. The most advisable shades are always those who understandthe range of white and beige, which in turn are perfectly combined with anycolor in winter you have decorated your house.

Tips for placing a hanging hammock

There is nothing more pleasant tolie down and read a good book under the shade of the trees during a warm springafternoon, however, a fundamental need to ensure the comfort and well-being inspace: the sun or hammock.

If you also want to comfort acharming touch to your space, nothing better to decant for one of thosehammocks hanging fabric so often dreamed of having.

Now, how to put on our outerspace? Here we leave some good advice to do so.

1. Analyzes a perfect place whereyou want to place making sure that does not hinder the passage, that providesenough room to swing and the points to be secured are very robust so as not topose any danger.

2. Make sure the hammock comeswith iron chains and with each and every one of the key elements for hanging.While here you move some things, do not forget to read the instructions andfollow them exactly.

3. Select wood beams where thehooks will hang and all the sun: the distance must be intermediate, so that itis not too tight nor too loose, it would be uncomfortable. The height is mostrecommended to place about 2.5 meters , so be it more or less to about 50 cm ofsoil to let down in comfort.

4. Hold the hammock with fourstrings of six feet, two at the head end and two on the feet.

5. Once hung, make sure bothhooks and connections between strings and hammock are strong and resilient, youshould avoid any danger!

Since then, our advice is thatyou check the security of the hammock checking every six months the conditionof the wood on fixing the chains.

Tips for decorating a large room

While decorating a small roomseem the task requires more effort and headaches, it is certain that decorate alarge room is a task not as easy as one might think.

Yes, because the amplitude of thespace can be both an advantage and a disadvantage and not knowing how todecorate can lead to errors. Here we leave some good tips that will help you tofind the balance in space, so take note and do not hesitate to suit yourdecorative process.

They are:

- Space: A room too full may be too cluttered and chaotic to the eyeand not to provide that feeling of relaxation you expect from this room, buttoo much empty space and minimalist can also be too cold and impersonal. Findthe balance of space to make it elegant and cozy at the same time.

- Zones: Now that you have this great space it is best to split, itin different areas so that the area of greatest activity (dining table) can bephysically and visually separate from that of rest (the sofa, reading corner,etc…), Can do so with the use of furniture, floors and up through the use ofcolor.

- Colors: You can afford all kinds of licenses, as in this case doesnot have to worry about the space look smaller. However, if you want to enhancenatural light and space it is best that you opt for light colors that will helpmultiply the natural light.

- Furniture: As you have no space problems do not need to fill theroom with these huge storage cabinets that reach the top of the roof. Take theopportunity to deliver better visual load of furniture making you a greatervariety but smaller.

The latest in interior design: horizontal showers

On occasion we said that theinterior subject is to constant changes always try to offer the best for ourhome. These improvements are often directly related to our comfort and welfare.This demonstrates the most innovative designs, we're seeing lately on sofasthat provide a great break, or in heating and air conditioning.

Technology, engineering anddesign come together to offer the best also in your bathroom. And when wethought that having a home sauna or jacuzzi was a great does not go, now wehave the latest in interior design: horizontal showers. A revolutionary new wayto give you the best feelings every time you get home after a stressful day. Apiece that will surely make the daily shower a true addiction.

While it may be of anothernationality, bit strange knowing that this wonderful horizontal shower is aninnovative idea of a German company, the cradle of great engineering. As youcan see in the picture, has 6 heads strategically placed, so that the stream ofwater falling on your whole body massage mode. These heads are programmable, soyou do not have to take care of nothing but lie down and enjoy this rain sonice.

Its design is modern and elegant,and its use is intended only to give you great pleasure, since the position isnot the most appropriate for personal hygiene. Thinking about it, you can seethat the bottom piece is left free wall so you can take the cock in his handand showering vertically, the traditional way. A new concept in shower thatwill make your home better not envy any of the spas.

Tips for buying a cheap flat

Buying an apartment in thesetimes of crisis in which we are engaged in a luxury that not everyone canafford. However, sometimes the work, effort and persistence on our part canhelp make that dream possible for us with a floor of property and forget aboutthe rent for many is 'throwing money'.

Finding a cheap apartment is noteasy, but possible. Here we are some tips to get it, hope you serve to find thehome of your life!

Here are 5 basic points you should keep in mind:

1. Patience: The purchase of a floor will be the biggest investment ofyour life, so you need to consider your choice in all aspects. Collectinformation about prices, compare between floors (price and quality) and aboveall do not hurry to make the decision.

2. Negotiation: No matter if you are shy or who dribbles up at thesalon, because at this point in your life dealing may help save thousands ofdollars with discounts of between 5 and 20%.

3. Location: You must go to areas where for reasons such as locationor economics problems there is a greater need to sell the flats, because thedifficulties of selling the price will decrease greatly.

4. Where to look: It is important to avoid middlemen such as estateagencies, which ultimately are a big chunk of the money, we earn by the sweatof our brow. We recommend you check out the housing stock of banks, taking intoaccount the offers of official protection and search your offers throughinternet property portals or web ad.

5. The key: If you dare not get into a mortgage and rent prefer tostart with a look it's best to hire only those floors to own, because in thisway over time will reduce the initial price demanded.

Combining decorative styles in the same room

Having a home design that breakswith the most common interior is an attractive idea that some good wish for ourhome.

In this regard, many stillbelieve erroneously that break with tradition is to decorate the rooms withfurniture and accessories modern : nothing is further from reality, becauseeveryone knows money buying furniture to last, and this does not mean make adifference !

Does our proposal to achieve this?Combining various style in the same room decoration.

The idea is great for breakingthe mold, and that is that when entering a home expects to find a style definedin the classical or the contemporary, but never with both styles at once.

The best style to match otherbasis is probably the contemporary and modern furniture that are characterizedby simple, straight lines that do not usually draw too much attention in space.This will not serve to overburden the stay, so that we can integrate otherelements that make a difference with relative ease: rugs, lamps and bulbs ofstyles including shabby chic, the vintage or retro, are ideal for highlightingthis contrast in space.

The Color also has an importantimpact on the outcome of the decoration, as it can be used to achieveharmonization of space even while emphasizing the contrasts mentioned: you canchoose simple tones like white, black, gray or brown for basis of stay and givea touch of color with these key elements you have decided to take the role.

Lovely gardens

Although you probably have notused this space in recent months, having a garden is quite a privilege of onlythose lucky enough to live in homes can enjoy.

However, the mere fact of havingthis outdoor space means warranted by their beauty, style and charm. How thento get a garden fairy tale? Here are some good tracks to get, so do not misswhat you have.

Obviously the first thing to workin this space is what is known as a garden in itself, the environment in whichthey integrate the seating area that both will use during the warmer monthsapproach: some items like a manicured lawn, ornamental plants, trails and pathsto front door lighting or more points will be crucial to lay the foundation foryour lovely garden.

Find a predominant style in thedecoration is as fundamental as any other area of the home it will not get aharmonious combination of furniture and ornaments totally opposite styles. Inthis sense, although more modern styles allow you to get a garden designcapable of jaw-dropping will not be anyone at all those who get an environmentfamiliar, cozy and charming.

For this we recommend choosingfurniture rather classic style or those naturally: the forge, wicker or woodare somewhat aged almost guarantee to get the goal that you set out.

If a former furniture and want toadd some charming details for the garden, you can with these ornamentalstructures known as lattices, with pergolas, festoons of light or lanterns.

Original aquariums in the decoration of the home

Long ago the tanks are part ofthe usual environment of a large number of households. From small tanks tolarge pieces of large capacity, have fish at home is quite an experience. True,they should be given special care, taking into account the water temperature,cleaning and feeding, but none of this matter compared to what is relaxing towatch the fish in motion.

As with other decorations, theaquarium also joined the fashion of more modern designs and cutting edge. Forthis reason we can find models as original as we will offer you today. Avariety that goes beyond merely having an aquarium to enjoy it, but alsoensures that this item is a very important part of the atmosphere created inyour home.

As you can see, these aquariumshelp to create different types of tables. First, it is a small tank installedon a computer desk, with the idea to give your eyes rest and relaxation theyneed in each pause recommended. A small design and fully stabilized, so thatsafety is fully guaranteed. A very aesthetic and healthy as your eyes willthank you.

The other 2 tables belong todifferent designs coffee table. One is a complete geometric maze through whichyour fish will make the trip without any problems. The other table has aseemingly more conventional design, but the novelty is that it contains freshfish for consumption (such as restaurants and seafood), if desired. Finally achair whose armrests are settled on two separate aquariums, a very attractive design,but perhaps not so convenient to enjoy it.

Resources to get a cheap decoration

Unfortunately, today most singles,couples and families who change home does not have the opportunity to decorateyour home in style: the furniture of thousands of euros, the decorative detailsof high cost and wastage on whims unnecessary certainly have been reduced inthe budget for decoration.

Yes, because most of us need toequip our home in a practical and aesthetic at the same time but without spendingmore than necessary. Here we leave some of the resources that we can think ofto save the time to find furniture, furnishings and appliances for your home.

We will be helpful!

-Low-cost: it is easier to use and which never fails, and is thatstores such as Ikea, Conforama or similar let you dress your home fully and forvery little money. As far as decoration is concerned, probably also find otherdecoration stores smaller low-cost in your area.

- Shopping Outlets: These shops or large ships specially designed tooffer quality products at lower prices. Ho they do? The reasons are basicallytwo possibilities: either the items are in any previous season or have amanufacturing defect or stroke. Even these we recommend to take a look, becausesometimes they are almost in perfect condition.

- Overstock: Although we do not like the economy is bad enough toclose deals, the truth is we can not help but take advantage of discounts to befound in these stores to close and whose sole purpose is now get rid of stockwithout losing too much money. Of course, you should always be aware of whereyou get these quotes and tell friends and family to discuss when they learn ofthese opportunities.

- Clearance: This is the best time to make decoration, textiles andutensils for each of the rooms in your home, is that the discounts can go up to70% at best. Of course, you have to use these sales periods during the firsttwo months of the year and during the summer between July and September (thebeginning).

- Markets: You might not like at all, but no doubt some of them wellchosen can be a great place to find bargains that no one would discover itsorigin. Many items are brand new, but if you love vintage styles can also go toflea markets to get the genuine article for use directly on your decor or totransform.

- Offers online: If you are someone who is hooked on flash sites likeGroupon deals, Lets Bonus Groupalia or paragraphs not miss product, as you willfind great deals on technology and appliances.

- VAT Day: save the 18% VAT on home appliances and home technology ispossible only a few times a year at stores like Media Market (pioneer) and Mirror.Imagine saving € 180 per 1,000 € of purchase, if you have to equip your entirehome can not lose this kind of opportunity!

- Recycling: An option other than all previous one, and that is notactually buy anything but we suggest you reuse elements to give them a new use.Although the required materials and a good effort on your part, recycle objectsallow you to look original decor and very little money.

Finally, we suggest you starttaking the habit of stopping by the area of opportunity with which have largesurfaces such as Ikea or Conforama and care for the discounts you can find inothers such as Carrefour and Auchan.

Decoration to illuminate dark spaces

The spaces are too small areoften accompanied by poor lighting that makes some dark places and dark, aneffect that most try to avoid by all means possible in our home.

But how to turn a dark space in abright and cheerful. Here we are some tricks that will help visually modifyyour stay, just a matter of adapting your home!

These are some of the decorativekey to keep in mind:

- Colors: The light colors like white, beige and even the cake arethe best to open the space visually, making it more comprehensive and providethe light is distributed more and better at it. This should apply to anydecoration in general, from the walls to the furniture however this does notmean you can not have large color details in textiles, ornaments and even someof the walls.

- Materials: In addition to wood rather than light in color andmaterial concerns in these areas will appreciate other materials to helpmultiply the natural light such as plastic or glass. Can be used in furniture(cabinet doors, tables, desks, etc…), and other surfaces such as walls (glass shield)or doors, among others.

- Decoration: Cramming visually stay will be a total mistake, it willcontribute to subtract only space through which light can pass easily. Youshould attempt to moderate the number of elements and especially strengthenthose who may have a positive effect in space: The mirrors are a terrificexample, and is strategically placed to help reflect light and thus to promoteit in your rooms.

Finally, study very well thecharacteristics of the particular room and its uses (rest, study, relax, etc…),to plan the best points distribution artificial light.

Home decor for fans of Lego

They say that inside every adultalways remains a bit of the child we once were, and some must be when somedesigners have to work to keep that child like spirit. On occasion, we haveseen beds and other decorative items for fans of adventure, tales ofprincesses, or a particular sport, and usually for the smallest of the house.

In the case before us, talk abouthome decor items for fans of Lego, and as you can see not intended forchildren, precisely. The pieces of the famous game of Lego construction servedto create a multitude of designs and even small towns. In many cases thesecreations are part of an ingrained fondness by many adults, who then presenttheir designs as a figure to stand out in your home.

For now this passion goes a stepfurther and, as you can see from the pictures, starting from the initialrectangular shape of any Lego piece, and always with the cylindricalprojections, have created a multitude of articles intended entirely to theinterior. Great designs as coffee tables, chests for toys, shoes or dirtyclothes, and sofas that you can go to the changing shape. Very prominent andoriginal models that leave no doubt, what your true passion.

But the thing is not there, sincein a size close to reality, they have also created a multitude of objects thatyou can put in every corner of your home, even covers for USB. Very personaldetails such as soaps, candles, calendars, ice pans , cutlery and fridgemagnets are some of the many items you can find to decorate your home and letthat inner child enjoy the decor.

Solutions for very small homes

The current economic crisis has made​​most of us do not even to consider access to one of those huge houses thatwill allow us to decorate as we please (and never better).

In fact, most just preferring bythese mini-stories that do are very welcoming, but also too difficult todecorate. If this is your case check out what you have, because we have somegood ideas to help you make the whole game a few meters which accounts to createyour dream home.


- Compact Furniture: There's something for every room, from thebedroom to the kitchen or bathroom. Furniture is seeking to make the most ofconcentrating so many basic areas of the room as possible in the smallest space, a good example is the compact youth bedrooms, comprising beds, bedroom andeven in little more desk space than usually occupy a traditional bed frame.

- Multifunctional furniture: Those that serve several purposes in asingle object, making them very useful for these spaces. The sofa beds, sofasand beds with drawers below and up the trunks (used as a table and for storage)are good examples.

- Folding Furniture: They are another terrific ideas today, and thatsome elements such as tables, desks and beds to disappear almost completelyfrom the space (occupying just a few inches) when not in use.

- Decorate unoccupied: Not that you should be minimalist, butcluttering your space with too much ornamentation not only reduce the visualspace but also the physical. Converts some key elements such as lamps or rugson the characters and adds some decorative elements that do not occupy space asin the case of vinyl.

Other ideas that can help toenlarge the space visually and physically use it will be to choose light colorsfor decoration or to place furniture in dead space of the home as are thecorners or the top of the walls.