Ideas to decorate the corners of home

Every corner of the house isimportant enough not to let pass unnoticed, and we can always find some detailto decorate even the smallest corners.

If you have forgotten corner athome and want to give a little joy or simply you're tired of always having thesame decor pays attention to these ideas, sure to find one that will convinceyou!

Small Corners

- A vertical box is an idealsolution to cover most of the corner without leaving of a feeling clutter inspace, which may be easily passable. A great idea is to also place a set ofphotographs personal (with your partner or family) of the same size verticallyseparated by several centimeters away.

- A vinyl is an option similar tothe picture, though the fact of occupying even less than this can cause hearingunless the wall of the corner.

- The tall vases with a good mixof branches, a long bamboo sticks (secured) and even a plant of considerablesize corner will disappear as well as giving it a more green and natural toyour home.

Wide corners

- If you are at the entrance ofthe home, it is best to take place some useful piece of furniture like thereceiver (or complement the main cabinet) or a rack to leave things to come.

- The larger spots in the heartof the home can be used to establish a small reading corner or simply rest inus arrange a small chair, a good lamp and a coffee table on which to leavethings.

- A shelf or set of shelves allowyou to take advantage individual corner to put some of your favorite decorativeelements (eg, memories of your travels from different backgrounds and cultures)and even for storage.

- Near the area or living room afireplace can be a great resource very functional as well as decorative.

Decorate in pink and red

When choosing colors fordecorating the home we always try to find a color scheme that is appropriateand, above all, beautiful. It makes sense to opt for combinations that fit welland we know not to risk and innovate too much and screw it up, although thereare many fun combinations will give you a great touch to our home, if we dareto use them.

In this case, we will propose thecombination is red and pink. Yes, colors have always been killed and clothingthat has frightened the life but we are now very popular in decoration. If youhave a clear couch, try to put that color scheme with three or four cushions tosee if you like the effect. You can also bet on a rug with those colors nowthat spring is about to come, will give a touch to your room cooler and inviteyou to enter new items into your decor to enhance the colors.

Another interesting option fordecoration in pink and red is to place a picture or decorative sticker, make alot lately in these colors so you will not have trouble finding one you like.You also have other bets already are riskier as sofas or any furniture, but we recommendyou first take a look at minor elements to see, if this decoration is theenvironment you want in your home.

But not only you dare to wearthese colors in the room, you can also find lots of fun combinations for yourbedroom , like a quilt, curtains, cushions or even candles, always fashionableand also give you a special scent to your home. Whatever you choose, surely itright.

Tips for choosing the pictures

Today there are lots of resourcesto decorate our walls. However, if you want to succeed in, it is best that youopt for the more traditional line: The pictures, if you know choose one of thepieces will be protagonists of your decor.

How to choose the most suitable? Choose apicture that suits the characteristics of our home should not be too difficult,however, a mistake in the choice could ruin the whole decoration.

To prevent this from happening,here we leave a small guide with tips to keep in mind as location, size,pattern or style.

1. Choose the place where youplace it. To do this you should look at the space available, those that do notneed to put any furniture useful and therefore would be devoid of decoration.Search also covers difficult areas with pictures.

 2. To choose the size of thepicture, you should look at the meters available and how the space where youput it: If the wall is very large, a large oblong table, two tables and even atriptych (one reason or image divided into three parts) will be ideal to fillthe space, but if the wall is rather small you should opt for a medium size boxor two by two smaller ones.

For its part, the vertical spacesand will require a vertically elongated box or series of pictures orphotographs of the same decorative motif.

3. No grocery stay with too manypictures, then mark the elegance lies in the style of a discrete form. Restassured that although the table does not have to go unnoticed.

4. The reasons depend basicallyon two things: from the very taste of the inhabitants of the home and styledecoration of the room. Although in this sense must find a film or a paintingaccording to the decoration (in the rustic landscapes, abstract minimalist, Zenpaintings oriental decor, etc…).

However, although you shouldfollow the style of your interior, the last word will always have your owntastes.

Decorate the office according to Feng-shui

Eastern philosophy of feng-shuiis one of our best allies to the decoration of the different areas of the home.

In this sense, whether you workat home and if you think up your own business you should consider some tips todecorate an office in the most harmonious possible, a place to find the balancebetween formality and naturalness.

The truth is that this philosophyof the office should not be in the privacy of home, but if you do, what betterto do it according to your advice?

All you have to do in this caseis conveniently able to separate, clear and functional space to work in theprivate sphere of home.

Starting at the location, try tokeep the office away from the rest areas like the living room or bedroom. Theentry is a good area to locate this room.

In case you have to be in thesame space as another room with a function outside the office should beseparated by a screen, a bookcase or a decorative panel that serves to separatethe rooms.

The decor is also very important,and we need to create an ideal space for concentration and work. The order willbe the key to a working environment, but it is also decorate it with ornamentsthat motivate and affect our work.

The colors are one of the keys inwhich most know of the feng-shui. For the concentration required by the spacewe use the colors yellow (encourage creativity), orange or green colorscombined with white to give a bit of freshness into space.

In this sense it is alsoimportant to have not only a perfect light natural light but also artificial tothink of each of the needs of work: as always need a light general and specificother assembly areas or the desktop workspace excellence.

Try to keep plants in the office,not only for their decorative benefits (life's a little space) but also becauseit is proven that clears the air and leaves cooler.

Decorative vinyl tile

If we stop to think of one of thethings that tends to change with the fashions as far as decoration is concernedprobably think, among other things, on the walls. Your bathroom is noexception, is that these beautiful tiles you to buy once have ended up goingout of fashion and become a real problem for the aesthetics of the space.

A few days ago you commented someideas for redecorating your bathroom on a budget, and today we add a neworiginal idea can be a great resource to get with little spending money.

These small vinyl decorative verydifferent themes that will help give a different and more modern touch to thetiles of your bathroom, on which will be attached. The decorative motifs likeflowers, prints, landscapes, animals or the icons of cities (like New York, forexample), among many others, make it a perfect decorative solution to replacethe boxes so little accustomed to place in the bathroom.

But in addition to changing theoutdated look of your bathroom these vinyl can also serve to give a touch ofcolor and fun to the baths of the smallest, hired to decorate the floors (whichgenerally can not work) and even to hide some flaws that may have appeared oncertain tiles.

You should know that this littlevinyl can be sold mainly in two ways: In packs with different designs (multipletiles) or a large composition that can occupy much of the wall.

While the first option will allowyou to distribute some sticker apparently spontaneous form, the second optionwill create a whole (a final image) from the small parts, making it a clearsubstitute for the tables used in other spaces.

Types of barbecue

Having an outdoor garden and notknowing how to use it is almost the same as not having it, and still are manypeople who do not sufficiently appreciate this space.

Grass and plants, a terrace onwhich to rest, a small pool and a BBQ are indispensable to the terrace for thesummer months, a place to enjoy fun and relax with loved ones.

But what would these familygatherings on the terrace without a good barbecue? If you do not have quiet,because you do not need a huge space to place, pay attention to the types ofgrills that are on the market and go for the one that best suits your space andyour needs.

Think first of the lifestyle inyou: If you enjoy throughout the year to put it directly a barbecue set, but ifyou use very occasionally it is best to give you a type mobile to storing whennecessary.

Barbecues or grills to charcoalgrills are more traditionally used fixed, and it is large areas of brick thatgive taste as good food. As disadvantages, it will take a while to get thecoals to cook and you should be very aware of the clean up because it is verydirty because of the continued smoke.

Grills gas are the most practicaland common use for a fast, clean, no coals, and so no worry about the dirt thatmay entail. There are many models on the market in different designs, sizes andcapabilities to help you find what you need.

Barbecues Electric haveconditions similar to above but this time with an electrically operated system,these grills are perfect for small terraces or apartments who can not affordlarge structures such as the above. They are clean, useful, small in size andmeet all safety standards.

If you have not placed this 'musthave' on your balcony, get wise, do not be the last to enjoy the best feasts!

Ideas to save the toys

While it is certainly somethingthat any parent would love, the truth is that not all homes offer thepossibility of separating the space of rest of the children and place for theirgames.

It is precisely here that therearises a concern and also a strong need to keep in mind when decorating thebedroom of the little ones: The storage of toys.

If you want your children tolearn from the very beginning to be sorted with their toys must provide a fixedstructure and stable where they can pick up the habit of keeping their thingsafter they have been used.

For rooms with plenty of a goodoption is to place a special cabinet for storage, such as a shelf for moduleswith large plastic boxes (colors will be original and funny) that will notcause danger to your children.

With this option you can evenclassify the functions of each of the drawers: For dolls to books and comics,to stuffed animals to the balls.

If you can not devote much spaceto this purpose other option is to place the foot of the bed a trunk of a lightmaterial (so there is no risk of fingers getting caught) or a large plastic boxwith lid. Is always at hand and will not put any effort that will simply openthe box and put everything inside.

If you have space under the bedalso can be useful to put some boxes extended with wheels (or slide it alongthe ground) so they are easy to load and unload quickly. Thus the structure ishidden when your kids are not playing.

In any case, always keep in mindthat the storage place for toys is at your fingertips and does not pose anydanger to use. Thus they do not depend on you while you take will keep watchfor independence and initiative in a safe manner.

Retro furniture with auto parts

You may have more than once beenimpressed by this beautiful retro furniture so much we would like to haveeveryone at home. But it is quite possible that you've crossed a few times withsome original furniture and accessories such as those we present below.

These are the original creationsof Catalan design studio Bel, which result from the more nostalgic inspirationoffered for sale some furniture items that bring us the sweet air of decadesago.

To get the chairs and sofas thatoffer us comfortable and maintain their traditional structure, but this timebuilt on structures that once belonged to recycled old model cars SEAT 600(Model D) type motorcycles and Vespa, for example. The idea is certainly agreat way to fuse design and recycle the most creative way.

The sofa is the one made ​​withthe front of this car, so that the padding in garnet is supported on the noseof a 600 white, logo and headlights included. If only your base and you seemdramatic, what would you say of the mini bar in the back or with 160 stereopower bat?

The desk chairs are also paddedleather in maroon and orange, highly ergonomic for comfort and an adjustableseat thanks to a hydraulic spring. Is the base? The front of the charmingVespas with which so many have dreamed paesani for the ride to the beach or thecity in beige, red or silver, for example.

Find more designs, and contactinformation on the website of Bel.

Decoration which helps to improve our health

On many occasions we have somediscomfort so far as to worry and not always we realize that sometimes "wehave the enemy at home". Humidity, dry, static electricity, you may haveany of these problems at home and now try to help bring them a solution. Theexcess moisture results in fungi and mites, as well as deterioration ofwallpaper, joinery, etc…, it airs 10 minutes daily, and do not hit all thefurniture to the wall, and you favor better air circulation, and if possible,no clothing stores inside.

If, however, suffer from dry dueto heating, Fix it by placing a container of water next to the radiators, actas a humidifier. Static electricity is noticed more if you have laminateflooring, carpets, synthetic fabrics, try to use anti-static laminate and keephumidity above 30%. The lack of light can affect your mood as well as causeheadaches and eyestrain. Use colored, glossy paint, which reflects more light.There are curtains to fabric or curtains network of wool with designs stamped.

Another cause of discomfort andheadache may be components of some paints and varnishes, which can causerespiratory problems too. Should use natural paints, as no toxic gases arebreathable and moisture regulating and not charged electrostatic.

Another point that is directlyrelated to our health is the quality of our tap water, because if you have anexcess of lime and other impurities, not only tastes bad, but can cause skinirritation, shorten the life of appliances and leave the rougher casting. Havekit filtering systems that are placed under the sink, and you can drink tapwater and if it was mineral water.

Decorate a student flat

If you have an apartment anddecorate it with the intention of renting it to a group of young students andif yourself are one of them must know some ways to decorate in a style somewhatneutral and practical that can be comfortable and welcoming for either.

However, this is not exactly easyprocess since almost all sin to decorate any home to your liking. In interiorwant to help with some practical advice, so take note!

- The common areas must be spacesto the satisfaction of all residents, so please try to decorate with furniturequite basic, functional and simple straight lines. The room should have aseating area and a large enough to eat in company.

- Given that people spend muchtime studying or working at home is essential that warranted by the bestlighting of spaces: Place the furniture, so as to favor the transmission oflight through the room, choose light colors and neutral for the walls and lampsplaced in places that may need a specific light such as tables or desks.

- Do not choose the decorationfor any reason, each person is different and will ultimately who lives therewho will choose the decoration according to your tastes. You may want to usesome furniture and decorative elements themselves and the odd itemshort-staffed as a mirror or a rack, for example.

- The textiles must keep thelines smooth and simple furniture, in this case giving a touch of joy if youthrough a few colors or patterns not too flashy.

If you want to know also sometips for getting an interior design for every taste in a flat with friendscheck out our post on how to decorate the shared flats.

Window dormers

Many attics have no windows,which is very interesting to install an opening so you can get much naturallight as air, as this will also be used as a bedroom, study area or site ofgames without having to with the electric light on all day. To place a windowin the attic to keep in mind that we need to ensure tightness and each windowmust have special fences or flashing to fit corrugated roofing (like tile) orsmooth (like slate), depending on type of roof you have in your home. Thesefences improve the isolation and facilitate drainage of rainwater.

As for the window itself,finishes used are aluminum, PVC and wood treated specifically for this,although the latter is used much less. Whatever the material chosen, it isimperative to resist the different climates, whether hot sun or rain or windstorms, as being directly on the roof exposure is greater than normal windows.

There are different types ofwindows to attic, classified chiefly by the kind of opening they have, but wemust also take into account the type of roof slope to choose either model. Thedifferent types are:

-Tilt: turn allows the window, which facilitates cleaning the exteriorglass. The only drawback, we have is that when you open the glass is halfinside the room, so you should be careful not to give any hit.

-Swivel: rotating about a central axis, which gets a 180 degreerotation for easy cleaning.

-Projecting: open outwards, which favors the evacuation of water andincreases the free space in the room.

-Lateral: opens outwardly from one side. It is the most practical ifyou regularly access the roof for any reason.

Integrated kitchen and living room

One of the latest trends ininterior design is based on eliminating, the delimitation of boundaries betweenkitchen and dining room to create a single space in which both stays areintegrated in harmony.

However, one must know how to doit for a great idea as it does not end by the emergence of a serious mistake indecorating our home.

To achieve the first thing youmust realize is that there will be two rooms to join decorative andfunctionally different in only one, so you need to merge the two concepts intoone.

It is important to choose asingle decorative style for both decoration and also do not miss some of thebasic guidelines that we tell you below:

- In the kitchen you can not nothingin sight, so it should always be clean, tidy and be as decorative as the veryroom. Choose furniture without handles, concealed any part of householdappliances and look for more to go unnoticed (the hood should be discreet andquiet).

- Separate spaces because theyare in the same room, does not mean that you should not make a visualseparation between them. You can get through the different colors or coatingsfor walls, for example. Remember that the kitchen walls need a stain-proofmaterial.

- Find a good connecting elementbetween the two spaces: The case of the dinner table chooses a nice design andsophisticated style of both rooms, but really more like that should continueinto the dining room.

An island between the kitchen andthe lounge is also a good choice to join the two spaces into one.

- Forget the traditional cuisines,because in this case has become a central element of your home interior.Looking for modern furniture, with quality materials and designs as elaborateas any room.

Where to place the stove or cooker in the kitchen

The kitchen is undoubtedly themost difficult to decorate around the home, and that we have many or few meters,we always find room for each of the essentials such as cabinets and drawers forstoring utensils and very especially appliances, our best friends at home.

As we know how complicated it isall this, here we provide you some ideas for the task of choosing the place toput the stove or cooker in the kitchen following the advice of feng-shui.

The key in this workspace is tothink about your comfort, and it will be necessary that you have a good spacearound you to have a good freedom of movement.

Also, the location of the kitchenshould allow the cook to have a good view of what happens around, so thatnothing can take her unnoticed and surprise, causing accidents of varyingseverity (drop food, spill hot substances, etc…) that can harm their health orwelfare.

For all this, unlike what happensin most cases (possibly due to lack of space), Feng-shui is recommended not toplace the stove or cooker against the wall and much less against a corner, sowe limit in either direction and directly impact on the outcome of some ourdishes.

The ideal solution for kitchenswith plenty of room is to place a central island kitchen in the center of theroom, where you can also concentrate other tasks such as preparing food forcooking or as a point of support for your meals.

If in your case you do not havemuch space you can also place a smooth surface of steel against the wall wherethe kitchen are to get a mirror that allows you to see what happens in the restof the kitchen.

Modernize the bathroom

If you live in an apartment whereyou think the bathroom is outdated and not get bogged down thinking about thevery great work you have to do. Sometimes the solution is more in all the ideasthat can be collected in throwing the entire bathroom and start from scratch.Another thing is if you need and includes pipelines or change aspects asimportant as this. If you're looking to give a fresh and modern look to yourbathroom will give you some ideas for you to reduce expenses to a minimum.

 If your wall is tiled entirely,something that had long before, you can take advantage and pull only half up,thus, get a high plinth, which is very modern, and you can decorate with aborder. If the tile is smooth, you can paint the other wall in the same tone,will give you more sense of space that if you put another tone.

If, on the contrary, the tile isdrawn, take the opportunity to paint with the lighter shade of the combinationthat takes your picture. In any case, it is preferable that before the paint appliqués,a protective sealant layer and then paint. As an area with high humidity andcondensation of vapor, looking for special paint some brands have brought tomarket, are called anti-moisture and mildew.

Soil is one of the most agingbath, if you have to change it takes to give a touch of color and modernity.Thus, creating contrast, you get to the toilets and faucets look like new.Remove the door to a cabinet or install a couple of shelves will be free enoughto place wicker baskets, in addition to decorating, it is useful to keep towelsand other supplies.

Decorate a table with elegance

There are certain specialoccasions that need a touch of elegance and sophistication to our dinnertables, and pleasantly surprising is that our guests not only depends on ourculinary skills but the environment that we create for the moment.

Thus, the decoration of the tableis critical to the success of any lunch or dinner, and a few details that canhelp make a difference.

Although generally need to beguided by your own point of view and your ideas, yes it would be right continuesome tips to ensure your plate is an example of good taste:

- No matter what you choosecolors for the cloth and ornaments, but be careful not to mix too flashy or toobroad a palette. Combine up to two tones, one more basic as black, white orgray with some other, more flashy like purple, green or pink, for example.

- The household is one of the keyparts, so do not ever have that as common practice of mixing cups, plates orutensils of different models. Use these dishes or cutlery that you had reservedfor special occasions.

- The ornaments are never morethan ever to know how to use them discreetly: Do not over do it with too manydecorations or designs look too bulky to hinder conversation among guests atthe table.

- The shape of the tableindicates the number of central ornaments that you must put: If the table isround or square simply a decorative element in the center, but if the table isrectangular we put several pieces for the decoration does not look too poor.

Some of the ornaments to decoratethe center of the table can be chandeliers with candles (white or beige),centerpieces with floating candles or other with flowers always dry naturalodor that could interfere with any food or drink the table.

Hoods for the kitchens

The fume hoods in the kitchenhave become one of those essential equipment for any kitchen, and today thatbesides being essential for ventilation of the space may also be some elementsalmost decorative.

These pumps are not reallyanything other than fans who inhale the smoke, grease and odors that are aresult of the actions in the kitchen, where indeed they are.

Today, the truth is that most ofthe fans are quite decorative whatever their range. That is why the mostdifficult choice will be a technical level, because in this sense we must askmore than the exterior.

To begin, you should be awarethat there are two types of basic bells aspiration and those with a filtersystem. The first makes the air go out of the kitchen through a drainage systemwhile the latter clean the air and returned to the kitchen space.

We could also differentiatebetween bells wall of island or recess. The first two systems are the mostcommon and visible, while the latter are those who spend more unnoticed thanksto the ceiling or the furniture that cover. You can obtain bells integratedsocket, found in a cabinet, or telescope, with a removable visor for the timeswhen it is used.

In the most aesthetic todayshould count ourselves lucky about, is that there are a variety of styledesigns very simple and minimalist in materials such as copper, steel, glass,aluminum or brass, among others. Also, if over time you get tired of yourchoice can change your coating to give a new style: Enamels, lacquers, vinyl orpaint will help with the work.

As parting advice, choose thematerials that you find easier to clean and also models with light, it issomething to be thankful when you're cooking.

Keys to an organized home

The home organization is criticalto creating spaces where we can feel comfortable and relaxed. Although it doesnot seem an easy task to keep our house in order, the fact is that fulfillingsome basic points you can get it with little effort.

If you have limited space orsimply are a disaster in this respect little attention, because we tell yousome good tricks to get it.

Places to get organized firstcreate clear spaces, light and give a sense of space and cleaning: You canpaint your walls in shades of light and look for ways to enhance the naturallight in space.

One way to do this is with thelocation of furniture: Try to have a minimum of furniture in the center of theroom and place them along the walls.

The compact furniture thatincorporates several one is also a great option to extend the available spacein the bedroom (bed, drawers, cupboards, etc…). It is also important to lookfor furniture and simple straight lines and that they are highly functional(including multifunctional) for storage: Shelving separate spaces, cupboardsunder the stairs, ladders or boxes hidden under sofas, storage trunks thatserve as tables center. You see, creativity has no limits!

Despite the above, the fact isthat the most basic point is found only in your hands: Get rid of all thoseobjects that one day you thought essential but deep down you know that areuseless or meaning in your home decor and organizes those of you not able tobreak at specific locations (a bin for movies, a shelf just for books, a boxfor your accessories, etc…).

And you, what steps you use tohave a more organized home?

The decoration of Hollywood style

Luxury, glamor, fun, the world ofcinema is for some a passion. If you're one of them might have thought morethan once in inspiration from your favorite movies to decorate some of therooms in your home.

Lest we miss the opportunity tofulfill your dream, here we leave some of the keys to a decoration in thepurest Hollywood style.

Our proposal is that you use fordecorating walls, furniture and decoration combinations of shades of gray andblack with more vibrant colors purple, pink or red roses, for example.

Furniture should be sleek andelegant lines, preferably dark wood (black, wenge, etc…), and seek the contrastwith white to give some more light into the room. The padded surfaces (in theheadboard of the bed, couch, wall, etc…) are also a great resource for a touchof notoriety and distinction to the environment.

Having gained this elegantatmosphere should give that touch of inspiration film through decorativeelements of this issue. Catch it in very different ways depending on your tasteand style you intend to achieve: If you're a more casual and youthful you canget with some slates, old film reel, a director's chair or some light bulbslike a film set they were staying.

In addition to some of the above,if you intend is to achieve a more glamorous space you can put some vinyl orpaintings inspired in some classics of film history, a chaise long, finequality carpets and beautiful chandeliers in the ceiling, for example.

However, the most important thingfor a decoration as creative as it is that you let go and unleash theimagination to make your stay as you've always dreamed of. Your views hallucinate!

How to remove the smell of paint

When we have our own home, thereare few things that make us feel better to keep it looking decent care and makeus proud. A key requirement for achieving this is to look after the appearanceof our walls, for which we paint every so often.

You may already painting simplymake you heavier, but definitely the worst comes when you want to 'brand' yourfreshly painted rooms and must bear the strong odor that follows them.

Here we leave some homemadetricks to get help next time:

Before painting

- Mix two teaspoons of vanillaextract per liter of paint to use.

- Choose eco-friendly paints thatgive off less odor, besides the traditional, are easier to clean after painting.

- Place in the center of the rooma bucket or large pan in the center of the room: Fill it with water and add onetablespoon of ammonia to eliminate the odor within 24 hours.

- A similar solution is to fill abucket of cold water and put in it an onion cut in slices and in this way, thesmell will disappear in just a few hours. It is also said to prevent the odorfrom spreading to other rooms in the house should be placed a plate of freshlycut onion in half each.

- The vinegar has always been oneof the great allies to kill any kind of odor, so in this case we could taketheir property by placing some containers with water and vinegar near the wallsto neutralize the smell of paint.

If you know any other trick, donot hesitate to cooperate with us!

How to choose an awning

We are receiving dot spring andwith it the first rays of sun that both crave. If you have a house with agarden and you are considering putting an awning, here are factors that we willhope, help you choose according to your needs. Factors that influence the priceof installing an awning are the type of fabric and color, if it is motorized ornot, and if the collected is protected. Both fabrics have been imposed for itsstrength and because they reduce the heat, the latter also slows the solarradiation by 90%.

As for color, white models are20% cheaper than color. Some models include a chest, a drawer that holds theawning aluminum contained in it, to prevent contamination and spoilage. Thesechests increase the price around 500 €, but allow extending their useful lifeas long as you do not pick up wet. If you want a motorized awning, have themswitch or remote control. In this system you can add sensors to pick up theawning when it is windy or raining, or to automatically extend or shine.

These functions can be foundindividually or combined of course the latter is the least economical. The mostimportant is the sensing of the wind, because if you're not home and has animportant gust can cause structural failure. A single sensor can servicemultiple canopies placed online. Now you can find blinds that are built-in lights,very practical for outdoor zenith. Choose the company and enjoy your firstnights of summer.

Types of internal staircase

Many types of homes includevarious heights in its architectural design and require, therefore, staircasesbetween floors. The ladder is not unique to one style of housing, and thereforerequires a market with great diversity in materials, styles and engagement.Whether a house, a duplex, a loft, a prefabricated hut, you will give yourpersonality and environment from the moment of you choose your ladder.

Many factors must be taken intoaccount, since aspects of comfort and safety, as dimensions of steps andrailings to all eminently decorative details, as may be material or finish, toissues such as space it occupies and, also, the price. Always observed thattheir quality directly affects your safety and that has to convince a lot, andit is not a decorative item variable, such as furniture.

A staircase is a very attractiveas far as appearance is concerned, but if not cared for your design can createserious problems of loss of useful space. That's why we are very practical andfunctional models that allow the use of under-stair space, where you can put aninfinite number of auxiliary cabinets and bookcases. Wood and metal are themost used in the manufacture of ladders interior finishes lies in thedefinition of style.

Rustic wood alone or combinedwith forging, go great in a house decorated with classical and rather plainwood with metal railing for a modern house. A staircase that combines glass andmetal, such as photography, is to marry a fully modern and open architecture.This type of ladder, as well as beautiful, is of the same security as we haveseen earlier.

Basic for the vintage decoration

The vintage style is one of thelast major trends in interior, and that this environment is so nostalgic thatcharacterizes is able to create the interior most elegant, romantic andintimate imaginable.

As you know, the vintage is astyle that uses elements of classic decorations and traditional reinventtouches with more modern and chic.

Quiet, because getting a roomlike that that you admire so much easier than it sounds if you know whatelements recurring basis of this decoration. Take a look at what we tell you!


Are the key, is that your choicewill depend on you to get success in the decor. However, the fact is that thereare many types of furniture in this style, from the natural and romanticfurniture using wrought iron painted or pickled wood to modern, using fancifultouches to painted surfaces (blank or black) for interior chic.


In the same manner as furniture,vintage home textiles can be very different depending on the environment youwant to create in the room: If you compliment a corner very nature committed tolight colors, floral prints and colorful slightly lightweight fabrics, but ifyou prefer to continue with furniture very glam you can bet on silk or satin incolors that suits you (black, fuchsia, white, etc…).

Decorative Items

Large chandeliers chandelier, thelarge mirrors in ornate rococo moldings or vases are some of the elements thatcan make the style, recurring parts of any vintage decor can not miss in yourstay.

Can you think of more that cannot miss this decoration? Tell us how to complete the look!

Oriental style terrace

The materials, the elements ofnatural inspiration or plants are some of the keys to spaces decorated inoriental style get a unique atmosphere of peace and tranquility that allows usto completely disconnect from the outside world.

If you have a small outdoor spaceas a terrace or a balcony and would like to have a space just like the abovedescription takes note of these tips and get to work. With little terrace get a100%-inspired East!

The main thing is to take intoaccount the type of materials that require these spaces, which make use of thewood, the stone and plants as basic decoration.

To start you can cover the floorwith a good stage of treated wood to hide the original soil and give it a verynatural base.

As in all outdoor spaces, you musthave an eastern terrace space for rest, relaxation and leisure: Find the bestlocation to place a table and some chairs or seats of a type of wood the sameor similar to the pavement and covering the seats with some very natural fabriccushions (cream, bone, etc…) to give them comfort.

The plants are essential inspace. For election must take into account not only the most aesthetic but alsothe most practical considering, your chances and also the characteristics ofthe plants themselves, which must be adaptable to the climate in your area.

Some of the most popular examplesare the bamboo, azaleas, bonsai, lilies, ferns, daffodils, cherry blossoms,chrysanthemums, moss and some climbers like wisteria or Japanese wisteria,among others.

The water is almost anotherelement essential to the eastern exterior, so if you have a minimum of space, donot hesitate to put a fountain, waterfall or small mini-pond surrounded byrocks and plants.

If you have larger spaces canalso encourage you to create your own oriental-style garden.

Folding beds to save space

The space problems are verycommon, especially in newly built apartments. Depending on what function youwant to give that room, options and solutions will also vary. For example, ifall you have assigned a bedroom but would like to have one more for visitors isvery well create a kind of living room with a sofa bed for the occasion, butyou have to make the bed every night just before bedtime. In a bedroom sharedwidely used the trundle bed, but some people do not see it practical for havingto drag every day, morning and night, for proper installation.

There was a time when foldingbeds were a good solution for any of these cases, but its mechanism is notallowed to have a must for a good rest: a mattress in a position, because theway the furniture was collected with hinges favoring to keep folded in 2 or 3parts. Over time, the mattress was taking the importance it actually has, andthese beds began to disappear. But thankfully, there are companies committed toimproving the quality of life of people, taking care of aspects of decorating,use of space and comfort.

Combining allthese elements have come up with a new model of folding bed that has nothing todo with those of last year. Modern designs and very aesthetic structures thatoffer every guarantee of safety, and of course, allow the mattress, in theirmeasures, better suits your needs, especially if we talk about the nursery, asthey are at an age which is critical in the successful development of thecolumn. These can be found individually or in litter, as a fully collapsiblecabin, respecting the characteristics of the mattress. Ideal to leave a spacefor games and entertainment, and everything ready for bed in the blink of aneye.

Get an impeccable decoration

There are many styles of decorand each of them tries to capture the feel and personality of those who live inthe house. Within all these styles from which you can frame your preferences,you may encounter the impeccable decor, which convinces through simplicity andelegance. This way of decorating your home is great for those people who areseduced minimalism with a touch more but to complement it, details that makeyour home is warm and inviting.

Especially in the lounge, whereyou do most of your family life and you get visitors, straight lines take onspecial importance, so that the blinds are replaced by long curtains that letglimpse some light. The colors prevail in its lighter shades, but preferringnot only by whites and beige, but giving it a distinctive look using gray,bluish gray, and even the softest tones of blue itself, so unusual for thiskind of stay. The furniture, design and quality finishes.

Give it a modern touch to thisstyle can combine this with some other furniture item rescued from a fleamarket or purchased in antique shops , but always bearing in mind the maximthat "less is more." Similarly, upholstery, cushions and otherelements of color, will be chosen to detail, so as to give the carpet a specialimportance, almost stately air. Breaking with the traditional and classic styleyou will be adding pictures that will place a more unusual, as lying on a shelfor even on the floor. Choose well the points of light, along with lamps, alongwith wall sconces, but trying to capture the essence and spirit that has made​​you reflect.

Decorate a small terrace

Now that we can finally get backto enjoying the good weather, the garden and the terrace again prominencebecoming lost for a few months in our favorite corner of the home.

 Precisely, decorate it becomes areal pleasure to perform with enthusiasm and illusion. But what if we have onlya few meters?

It simply gives thanks for it andtakes every corner as you can. Check out these tips and you'll get acomfortable and happy.

1. The Basics: Think about the characteristics of your family, yourtastes and your needs to determine what pieces of furniture will be crucial inspace. If you intend to make your small terrace chill-out zone simply a lowtable and cushions, chairs and ottomans, but if you intend to make it thecenter of activity in summer it is best to go to the useful with a table andnormal-sized chairs.

2. Ornamentation: If you make your terrace a place in which to unwindsure not to cram the space because the area would be smaller and cramped. Makesome basic elements like sun visor, or household textile decorative elements ofthe garden. There are now spoiled for choice!

3. Green Spaces: In pots and containers on the walls or directlyplanted in an area of land, plants and flowers are essential to dress up anygarden terrace or giving a little life and color. Decide how much to allocatespace and start planning the green area of your garden with various species.

4. Lighting: You only need light after dark, so we put a direct clearlight that illuminates the table and a couple of more subdued secondaryoutbreaks.

5. creates ambiance: Enjoy the space is too small to give a warm, cozyand intimate. You can do this with the use of candles, a charming garland of coloredlights, some lights dim and if you can, a musical background thread.

Decorate a minimalist room

The room is the most popular andused around the home, the place where both family members and guests will spendmost of the time.

Precisely for this reason andtaking into account all the resources that we will want to have on hand or inspace (linens, dishes, books, etc…). Decorate the hall with minimal style maynot be very easy.

You must leave the key mostessential of minimalism, which is nothing to find a sober style with furnitureand decor simple and very functional.

To achieve this you start bygetting rid of everything not be essential for your living room or dining room,the fewer objects because we have less space to distribute storage need in thefurniture.

This is the only way to determinewhat furniture are essential and which are not in the room, it should sufficewith the basics such as sofa, TV cabinet, table and chairs and a maximum ofsome shelves or racks. Either way, you avoid any kind of mass on the surface,leaving the hall light, bright and neat as possible.

The furniture lines should bevery simple and straight in solid colors or neutral on either wood or lacqueredsurfaces quite open and not too many drawers or cabinets.

The walls should be practicallyempty, so you can play with the combination of a couple of colors on them asthe only decoration, use a vinyl or even a discreet box measures suitablespace. Forget abuse also complements and let key parts of the room as lamps,rugs and textiles become the protagonists of ornamental decoration.

As far as color is concerned,some of the most successful combinations are those that combine white and blackwith bright colors like other violet, red or pink, for example. Do you dare?

Decoration in black

Although black is the color ofelegance par excellence, the truth is that wearing one of our rooms with thiscolor can give a little respect.

Dark and provocative, this colorcan be counterproductive for the decoration of our rooms but we know how to useit, and it often remains light and helps reduce the space visually.

This is precisely why you shouldhave some basic concepts to hit when using the black in decorating your home.If you want to know some of the secrets of this color notes of what you have,do not waste time!

For starters, keep in mind thatthe black can be used as a color base of the decoration or as complementary toachieve this subtly chic and glamorous.

In the first case, you can useboth the black walls and in furniture. However, to paint one or more of yourwalls of a color, so dark you will have a space with great natural lighting,but the space it would be greatly reduced and dark, sad and off. If you areable to paint, looking ornaments like vinyl or pictures with more clear trimcontrast with the wall and help to enhance the lighting just so many needs it.

Also, keep in mind that in thesecases the tones of the walls and furniture should contrast always to break themonotony and a darkness in the room, so that always dark walls and furniture andornaments clear light walls quite the contrary (colors black or dark colors).

You can also use darker shades assecondary color for decoration in combination with another even more clear andbright (white, red, blue, purple, etc...), in textiles, furniture and somedetails of walls or floors.

Modern toilets

The bathroom is no longer thestopping-off point at which you listen only and has become one of the mostspecial of the house in which it invests time and money for your decor is inline with our tastes or the rest of the house. Manufacturers of bathroom furniturehave upgraded all their equipment and now you can find lots of designs, colorsand materials to give it a different and original to this room in the housethat may not always look that is usually neglected.

The toilet designs are moreinnovative in many forms: rectangular, square or oval and white where color isnot the only star they now have much more fame the bright colors like green,blue or red in various shades. The sizes also vary and can be found from sinksrecessed in cabinets to the wall mounted, where all you see is a thin ceramictray or glass that gives a very modern touch to the environment, plus aspacious feeling. Some even incorporate halogen lights if you need to use it donot turn the dome light to save energy.

As for the care of the sinkshould be the same as anyone who is old. Clean it frequently to avoid bacteriabuild up and to make cleaning products used are not harmful to the material ofthe sink because you could damage it. When buying a product look good in thatis suitable for ceramic, glass, stainless steel or other material that is made.It is also important that the pipes are clean to prevent odor and know what todo if the pipes are clogged.

Ideas for redecorating on a budget

The spent years thinking thatsome of the rooms in your home need a renewal, new life returned to them somelife and joy.

However, the cost of decorating ahome is often too high for our pockets, especially in these times of crisiswhen we look at how to save two dollars on anything.

However, take a refreshing touchto your home can be cheap if you know what elements can hardly get expense oreffort. Check out these ideas, sure to find one that will convince you!

- The walls are one of theelements that contribute most to change the look and style of our rooms.Eliminate from your Venetian stucco walls or textured walls and opts for smoothwalls (in the colors you choose) on which you can hang a picture, sticker orvinyl decorative (the latter two will add a touch very current).

- The textiles are also part ofthe essence of the decor: You can change them in winter and summer with themost appropriate colors for each season (dark, light or bright). Tablecloths,sofa covers, cushions, chair cushions, quilts and sheets and curtains, forexample, are just some of the items subject to change.

- If you chose to decorate yourroom for a very particular style is possible that the lamps have been very outof date. You can find plenty of models, shapes and colors at prices cheaperthan in department stores such as IKEA, Carrefour and Leroy Merlin, forexample.

- Make cleaning additions andchanges you will not convince new ones, today you can find vases, vases,centerpieces and many other ornaments at very low prices.

- In rooms like kitchens andbathrooms simply change the shooters get to tap completely different space, renovatingand modernizing it if you want also.